Introducing Kyle Tiller, COO Of The Year

July 3, 2019


Introducing Kyle Tiller!

Dumpster Divers is introducing Kyle Tiller as our new Chief Operating Officer! Pictured below, he is obviously a good looking guy with all the know-how to help us get to more of your homes/projects more frequently so we can make sure you’re taken care of!

He is also serving as the Marketing Director, so let’s face it. It’s me. I’m Kyle and I’m writing this write now. I do NOT regret the “good looking” comments but I do regret bringing it up again right now. I’m also officially changing from “him” and “I/me” perspective now, ha!

Anyway, I’m happy to be a part of the team and pretttttyyy excited to get out there and meet all of you out there on the mean streets of Greater Grand Rapids. We are just regular guys who like to deliver excellence while also having a good time. Or a great time, depends how everyone is feeling at the moment! Basically, I am saying you should use our services. Just go ahead and use them. I am not going to try and be all cheesy and sell you stuff. Just straight to the point – just go ahead and use us. Especially if you want to be proud of your experience and also laugh probably 12 times.

Additionally, it’s kind of fun to say, “Introducing Kyle Tiller,” a bunch of times. At least if you’re me. Introducing Kyle Tiller. Thanks and we’ll see you out there! Click here to rent a dumpster!
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